

Sharing some of our skills and experience for free? Of course! At the end, it is always only up to you to train regularly and achieve your goals. We wish you courage, patience and all the success you will need. We hope some of our materials can help you on your journey. And if you are interested, we can coach you during the process and show you much more.

Presets for Interval Timer

Presets for Interval Timer

As you already know, Interval Timer is an app we regularly use. When you intall the app, it is empty and you have to fill it with new schemes. Here we share some of our predefined presets which you can use for home exercises. Individual workouts plans in TeamPulse app use these presets. 

Interval Timer

Interval Timer

This mobile app for iOS and Android helps you with your exercises at a gym and at home. You can choose a workout preset and be sure you keep with all the predefined exercises and time intervals. We have a grea number of prepared presets for you which you shloud regularly use at home while you train individualy. Or even make your own preset and share it to your team!



TeamPulse is a platform for managing a sport team in a single free app for iOS and Android. Join us there to be notified about all upcoming sessions and events, to report your presence/absence, to see your attendance statistics as well as your individual exercise plan. Read and chat about related topics.

Acrobatics Exercise

Acrobatics Exercise

According to rules for acrobatic gymnastics, a floor performance lasts up to 90 seconds. But young gymnasts have to start from scratch. Here you have a short acrobatics performance which is suitable for 3 m long airtrack. Exercise at home and then bring it to public. Your school academy should be the perfect choice.



You can find handstands everywhere in gymnastics. Without a proper handstand, don’t consider yourself a proper gymnast yet. Firstly, prepare your body well enough. Secondly, learn the right technique and practice regularly. After that? Enjoy the feeling that you can do what others may only dream of!



Trampolining or trampoline gymnastics is a stand-alone competitive Olympic sport. But it is closely connected with artistic gymnastics in many way. Every better specialized gym has its own trampoline for a good reason. If your core is ready, trampoline workouts can kick you to a new gym level. Besides, it’s fun.

Circuit Training

Circuit Training

Individual or collective training? Both, of course. While individual training is the most effective in many ways, sometimes a trainer needs to involve multiple gymnasts into a process and still preserve efficient workout. Well-known circuit training is a convenient way how to make that happen.

Physical Preparation

Physical Preparation

At the beginning, it’s a damn hard. You can do nothing that you want. You try and try, you fail and get disappointed. But there is a different path. You have to learn to exercise regularly and prepare your body and mind for gymnastics. Once you are ready, your learning curve will go upward much more steeply.

Exercise Phases

Exercise Phases

Don’t even think to come to our training lesson and start complicated gymnastics exercises right away. Maybe you heard about a warmup or a final stretching. And there are some more rules how to arrange exercise phases based on how a human body usually works. Later on, you will develop your own specifics.



Everyone thinks to know stretching and accepts that it’s a beneficial part of training. But it’s not enough. You need to know some rules and tips & tricks to make stretching regular, functional and efficient. Get to know about fundamental types of stretching and then find more yourself about what you need specifically.

Home Gym Equipment

Home Gym Equipment

Regular training is what really matters. In case you have too few lessons in the gym or your lessons are too short, it will take a long time to become a better gymnast. But you have one more option. Exercise at home and you will see results sooner. Equipment can be helpful for both effectiveness and fun.

Personal Gym Equipment

Personal Gym Equipment

Exercise workflow in the gym should be as smooth as possible. You should always come with some personal equipment which you can trust and use whenever it’s needed. On top of that, you don’t want to be in a giant circle on a horizontal bar with old gymnastics grips borrowed from a teammate.

Flat Feet

Flat Feet

We’ve noticed some of our children, has flat and everted feet. We believe gymnastics can make it even worse if you do not take care about it – knee malalignment, abnormal pelvic tilt, spinal scoliosis. So we have prepared this material for parents about how to deal with it and what doctors to contact.

Learn from Everywhere

Learn from Everywhere

FlipGym is sharing skills. It’s cool. But you should never focus on a single source of information. Today, online world can provide a lot if you know what you seek. So far we’ve gathered quite a lot of learning materials about gymnastics. If you are interested, let us know. We will give you tips what and where to search.

Starting with Gymnastics

Starting with Gymnastics

A gymnastics‘ admirer or even a potential team member? Find some information about how to apply and what is expected from you later once you start. Keep all the safety rules to avoid an injury. Drink, eat and sleep well, train hard, compete brave. Become a part of a team and have some fun!